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Otherwise Occupied / Can Israeli Bureaucrats Make Job Decisions at UNRWA?

Amira Hass, Haaretz

Legal expert Leila Hilal is fighting the Interior Ministry to return to her job in East Jerusalem. The ministry seems to think it knows what's best for both Hilal and UNRWA, her employer

UNRWA, as a United Nations organization, does not get involved in legal proceedings in countries where it works, says Hilal's attorney, Adi Lustigman of Jerusalem. Therefore it is remaining silent. However, three Israeli character witnesses have appended letters of support for Hilal: Ron Pundak of the Peres center for Peace; Israela Oron, a reserves brigadier general and now a researcher; and attorney Anat Ben Dor from the legal clinic at Tel Aviv University. All met Hilal at forums about solving the conflict, and were impressed by her professionalism.


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